Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Programme

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The effect of HIV infection and exposure on cognitive development in the first two years of life in Malawi.

Struyf T, Dube Q, Cromwell EA, Sheahan AD, Heyderman RS, Van Rie A,

Emergence of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in Malawi.

Lewis JM, Lester R, Mphasa M, Banda R, Edwards T, Thomson NR, Feasey N,

Non-communicable respiratory disease and air pollution exposure in Malawi: a prospective cohort study.

Rylance S, Jewell C, Naunje A, Mbalume F, Chetwood JD, Nightingale R, Zurba L, Flitz G, Gordon SB, Lesosky M, Balmes JR, Mortimer K,

Patient outcomes associated with post-tuberculosis lung damage in Malawi: a prospective cohort study.

Meghji J, Lesosky M, Joekes E, Banda P, Rylance J, Gordon S, Jacob J, Zonderland H, MacPherson P, Corbett EL, Mortimer K, Squire SB,

Cephalosporin resistance in Malawi.

Haigh K, Dube Q, Kasambara W, Feasey NA, Lester R,

A call to action for universal health coverage: Why we need to address gender inequities in the neglected tropical diseases community.

Ozano K, Dean L, Yoshimura M, MacPherson E, Linou N, Otmani Del Barrio M, Halleux CM, Ogundahunsi O, Theobald S,

The cost-effectiveness of prophylaxis strategies for individuals with advanced HIV starting treatment in Africa.

Walker SM, Cox E, Revill P, Musiime V, Bwakura-Dangarembizi M, Mallewa J, Cheruiyot P, Maitland K, Ford N, Gibb DM, Walker AS, Soares M, REALITY trial team,

Cost-effectiveness analysis for rotavirus vaccine decision-making: How can we best inform evolving and complex choices in vaccine product selection?

Pecenka C, Debellut F, Bar-Zeev N, Anwari P, Nonvignon J, Clark A,

Stakeholder views on the acceptability of human infection studies in Malawi.

Kapumba BM, Jambo K, Rylance J, Gmeiner M, Sambakunsi R, Parker M, Gordon SB, Gooding K,

Hepatitis D prevalence: problems with extrapolation to global population estimates.

Stockdale AJ, Kreuels B, Henrion MRY, Giorgi E, Kyomuhangi I, Geretti AM,