Operations Strategic mission is to support and enable MLW to deliver its vision and mission through the Research Groups and the Core grant with the prime objectives of ensuring that…
We support and engage with:
- The Research Groups to plan, deliver and disseminate excellent research studies
- Our stakeholders to plan & deliver for the key elements of the core grant
- Our staff so that they have good leadership, feel supported, developed and satisfied in their work
- Finance and Grants
- Health and Safety
- Facilities
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Communication and Public Engagement
- Facilities Management
- Supply Chain
Finance and Grants
What is our Core business?
What is our Core business?
This Department has two sections; Accounts and Grants.
The mission is to provide excellent financial, supply chain, and grant support to all MLW stakeholders who include, inter alia, principal investigators, fund administrators, and funding bodies whilst maintaining the robust financial system in order to maximize financial resources, maintain probity, and integrity in all financial matters and to ensure conformity with international and domestic laws.
Finance Management functions:
Prepare financial reports, for MLW management, LSTM, Wellcome Trust, and other funding bodies.
Prepare project reports for Principal Investigators and assist them in the management of their budgets.
Spearhead financial accountability and financial procedures adherence.
Management of cash flows.
Maintain up-to-date financial records for research grants.
Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements such as taxation.
Proper management of stores and procurement functions.
Provide strategic finance advice to Senior Management on financial matters.
Grants Management functions
The Grant Management process defines the interaction between science and operations. MLW manages more than 80 active grants at any given time.
The section defines how MLW manages projects from the inception of the idea to close-out.
Grants Management works closely with other operations departments and research groups to meet the following objectives:
- To provide grant leadership as MLW continues to grow.
- To manage the risks associated with grants and utilization of grants.
- To provide ongoing grant support.
- To monitor and evaluate the impact of research grants.

Name | Ausbert Khembo |
Position | Head of Finance |
akhembo@mlw.mw |

Name | Asimenye Kayuni |
Position | Head of Grants Reporting |
akayuni@mlw.mw |
Health and Safety
What is our Mission?
We exist to ensure the implementation of the MLW Health and Safety Policy, encouraging and assisting in the development of safety procedures and ensuring that established rules and safe working practices are adhered to in order to minimize risks and maintain a safe workplace and healthy workforce.
What is our Core business?
Ensuring that all employees are adequately trained and competent to carry out work allotted to them with minimal risk.
Implementation of Fire Precautions and Prevention.
Carrying out workplace inspections and advise as and where necessary to improve methods of working.
Advise and provide support in identifying training needs, carrying out risk assessments and developing risk control measures.
Ensure that no operation carried out by contractors will place their employees, MLW employees, or members of the public, at risk, and that close liaison is maintained in all matters regarding health and safety.
Identify and minimize risk to staff by ensuring that appropriate Risk Assessments are carried out for every task.
Safe methods of working are implemented and adhered to as well as documented.
Implementation of infection prevention procedures across all departments
Developing and implementing the MLW Health and wellness program.
Provision of First Aid services

Name | Wezzie Gondwe |
Position | Health and Safety Manager |
wgondwe@mlw.mw |
What is our Mission?
To provide excellent facilities services and management in order to ensure that there is business continuity for the MLW CORE programme and smooth running of research work.
What is our vision?
To deliver excellent facilities management to conduct projects in a professional manner that includes honesty, reliability, competency, respect and dignity that values individuals and their contribution to the team.
What is our Core business?
The core business of the Facilities Department is to ensure business continuity of the institution. We provide the following services:
- Fleet management
- Security
- Housekeeping and reception
- Maintenance of premises
- Construction of small projects

Name | Elia Ng'ambi |
Position | Facilities Manager |
engambi@mlw.mw |

Name | Newton Chalunda |
Position | Assistant Facilities Manager |
nchalunda@mlw.mw |
Human Resources
What is our Core business?
- To support PIs and other Team Leaders with human resources planning and recruitment; staff development; Staff retention
- Policies and Procedures: ensure that the Terms and Conditions of Service and other HR policies are updated regularly and disseminated to relevant staff members
- Information system management: maintain complete and up-to-date HR records for national staff, PHD students and international staff
- Workforce relations: ensure amicable inter- and intra- departmental relations are maintained/enhanced within MLW
- Talent Management
- Performance Management: orient line managers to the MLW appraisal and performance management system;
- Capacity building, Training and Staff Development
- Contract management to mitigate financial risk
- Human Rights and Labour Laws: To ensure that MLW remains compliant with Malawian legislative requirements, International Conventions and that any legislative changes are promptly reflected in our SOPs.
- Temporary Employment Permits; Assists foreign nationals engaged to work at MLW to obtain relevant permits
- Compensation & Benefits: Processes payroll and administers various employment benefits for staff

Name | Limbani Medi |
Position | Human Resources Manager |
lmedi@mlw.mw |

Name | Chisomo Mazangwira |
Position | Senior Human Resources Services Coordinator |
cmazangwira@mlw.mw |

Name | Cecellia Saidi Matthews |
Position | Training & Development Coordinator |
cmatthews@mlw.mw |
Information Technology
Value of the IT Department
Our Core values drive and guide us as we serve MLW community. As members of IT Department, we are committed to;
- Collaboration: We are dedicated to a constructive, team-oriented environment, gathering varied perspectives, sharing knowledge, and building effective partnerships with key stakeholders.
- Continuous Improvement: We strive for operational excellence through the on-going development of the staff and the organization as a whole
- Innovations: We encourage creative and critical thinking in the development of technology services and solutions
- Service: We strive to provide excellent service by being consistent, agile, reliable, and accessible to all.
- Transparency: We leverage open communication and thoughtful business process to be accountable in our interactions and our work.
- People: we listen to, respect, and care for staff and one another, both professionally and personally
Ask IT
ICT Services
The Information Technology (IT) Department provides access, development and support services to operations and research staff so that they can conduct their work in a reliable, effective, and efficient information technology environment in pursuit of MLW objectives and priorities.
The IT Help Desk is the initial point of contact for the Information Technology department. If you are having difficulties accessing MLW Systems, need to reset your password, or are having issues with MLW Computer systems, the IT Help Desk is here to help. Contact Help Desk Support through helpdesk@localhost for further assistance.
My Pack
The Department of Information and Technology within My Pack includes information to be accessed by staff.
Go to MLW ITD My Pack Page
Quick Access to MLW Online Systems
- Serenic System
- Employ Self Service
- Laboratory Management System
- Management Information System
What is our Mission?
The Mission of the MLW IT Department is to promote and support the Institutions effective use of Information Technology. The Department, recommends, implements, and maintains Information Technologies furthering the goals of Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Trust. Its customers are staff, affiliates and other MLW stakeholders.
What is our vision?
The Information Technology department will be recognized as a high-performance team providing technology excellence that advances learning and research in alignment with MLW mission and goals.

Name | Owen Mwenefumbo |
Position | IT Manager |
omwenefumbo@mlw.com |
Communication and Public Engagement
What is our Core business?
We exist to promote ethical research practice by facilitating two-way engagement between researchers and research participants.
We achieve our mission through initiatives that empower communities to make informed contributions in research.
Our functional roles include: Community and Public Engagement, Science Communication, Media and External Communication and Internal Communication.
We use M&E to strengthen Science Communication practice by supporting ongoing learning about effectiveness, identifying gaps in our portfolio and planning paths to improvement. We also aim to support science communication beyond MLW, by sharing learning from our experience, including with Global Health Bioethics Network partners.

Name | Lindiwe Mafuleka |
Position | Communications and Public Engagement Manager |
lmafuleka@mlw.com |
Facilities Management
What is our Core business?
Facilities Department is a multi-disciplinary department providing comprehensive services including planning, management support, to ensure that MLW infrastructure and related physical resources are capable of supporting research work and all other institution work, in a safe, effective and efficient manner. The department is responsible for advising and contributing to the strategic and operational management of MLW through the following services in all MLW sites (main and field sites):
Fleet management
Maintenance (construction and general maintenance)
Housekeeping services including front office management and café management
Security management
Business support services including oversight of utilities, office space, assets management;

Name | Tamara Chipasula-Makawa |
Position | Head of Operations |
tchipasula@mlw.mw |

Name | Elia N'gambi |
Position | Facilities Manager |
engambi@mlw.mw |

Name | Newton Chalunda |
Position | Assistant Facilities Manager |
nchalunda@mlw.mw |
Supply Chain
What is our Core business?
Procurement management functions
Local and international procurement of supplies, services and works (infrastructure)
Stores & Inventory Management
Shipping (Imports & Exports) i.e. customs and clearing procedures for international goods.

Name | Stanford Yusuf |
Position | Supply Chain Manager |
syusuf@mlw.com |