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EFGH Sponsors Witness Study Progress During Visit

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EFGH Sponsors Witness Study Progress During Visit

The Enterics for Global Health (EFGH) study sponsors and research team converged in Blantyre for interactive sessions and site tours from 14 to 16 June 2023. The sponsors from America and Kenya visited the study team to witness progress and get a close-up experience of the ground-breaking research initiatives that they support.

EFGH study started in 2022 and will complete in 2024. The study seeks to establish the population of Shigella cases in Ndirande and come up with significant health interventions.

During their visit, the sponsors were warmly welcomed by the team and were provided with a comprehensive overview of the project, highlighting its successes, challenges, and the tangible impact it has had on the community.

The site lead for the study Clement Lefu mentioned that the site visit commenced with a tour of the Ndirande site, where the sponsors engaged in meaningful conversations with the site staff and participants.

“The sponsors provided us with valuable advice, and we had the opportunity to learn about the progress made by our sister teams in other countries in addressing the issue of Shigella,” said Lefu.

The sponsors who visited included Hannah Atlas, Billy Ogwel, Erika Feutz, Krik Tickell, and Jess Long. Impressed by the dedication and passion exhibited by the Shigella staff, the sponsors expressed their satisfaction with the study’s progress.

Research Coordinator at the University of Washington Hannah Atlas said, “It is truly inspiring to see the impact that our funding has had on the well-being of Malawians. The team has made remarkable progress, especially in collecting temperature readings from mothers, a development that will contribute to new knowledge for other countries. The dedication of the staff and the determination of the study participants showcase the power of investing in health.”

The visit concluded with a roundtable discussion involving the study team, which emphasised the importance of sustainable funding for long-term initiatives.

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