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MLW Completes Training Umoyo N’kukambirana Radio Listening Clubs in Drama Messaging

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MLW Completes Training Umoyo N’kukambirana Radio Listening Clubs in Drama Messaging

Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Programme’s Communications and Public and Engagement Department has finished training its nine Umoyo N’kukambirana Radio Listening Clubs in drama messaging.

The training exercise began on 12 December 2022 and aimed at upscaling the capacity of the radio listening clubs in drama scripting and performance, especially on issues of health and research.

According to MLW’s Communications and Policy Engagement Coordinator Pauline Hellen Mlogeni the trainings were necessary to help influence health behavior and contribute to positive attitude change towards research in communities.

Below are some of the snippets of Radio Listening Club and Community Leaders’ views about MLW’s drama lessons:

“The training equipped the group with the much-needed skills in drama, such as the rules and etiquettes associated with stage drama. These skills are very important in executing our various activities, and the training has instilled confidence and bonding among us.” Saidi Chainani Mitondo Director for Mangochi’s Umoyo N’kukambirana Radio Listening Club.

“The drama training has really helped our group because it has built our skills and talent in drama. Through the training that you have given, we have learned how we can deliver health messages through drama to make an impact and change.”
Justin Said Phiri Director for Chiradzulu’s Umoyo N’kukambirana Radio Listening Club.

“I am very happy that Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Programme has trained youths in my area on how they can write and perform good educative health drama. The skills gained will go a long way in elevating health standards in my area, especially in issues of maternal and fetal health challenges that are a burden in my area,” said Traditional Authority Mwambo, Zomba.

“The training we have received today was eye-opening. We have upskilled our drama messaging, and these skills will change how our communities understand health research. I am appealing to Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Programme to continue providing similar trainings to us as this will improve how we work and relate with our communities.” Halid Zaidi Vice Chairperson Nkhotakota Umoyo N’kukambirana Radio Listening Club.

The Umoyo N’kukambirana Radio Listening club drama trainings were done to complement the broad Umoyo N’kukambirana Radio Programme’s objective that seeks to stimulate and enhance public health discussions among the citizenries.

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