Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Programme

MLW Holds Quarterly Community Meetings in Blantyre and Chikwawa

News & Events

MLW Holds Quarterly Community Meetings in Blantyre and Chikwawa

Between 23 and 29 June 2023, the Communications and Public Engagement department held quarterly meetings with the Blantyre and Chikwawa Community Advisory Group members to obtain feedback about MLW health research work, share study overview and progress, and remind CAG members about MLW safeguarding policy.

During this meeting, members of the research teams shared the study overviews and progress of the Trained Immunity in BCG-vaccinated African infants (TIA), Optimizing Dihydroartemisinin Piperaquine dosing in Malawian Infants (OPTIMAL) and Hospitalisation and Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase Enterobacterales colonisation in Malawi (HELM) studies.

The safeguarding component of MLW was also discussed during the training by MLW Safeguarding Champion Herbert Thole who communicated that MLW is committed to conducting its research in a manner that is safe for the participants and communities. He further explained that it is the responsibility of everyone to ensure that proper measures are put in place to prevent abuse and neglect of vulnerable populations.

Role plays were used as a tool to capture real-life situations about health research work in their respective communities. CAG members were able to demonstrate their understanding of health research as well as diverse community values and misconceptions.

A total of 120 CAG members took part in the meetings. The next quarterly meeting is scheduled to happen in November 2023.

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