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MLW Staff Elevate Their Expertise in Microsoft Dynamics (Serenic)

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MLW Staff Elevate Their Expertise in Microsoft Dynamics (Serenic)

The findings from a recent study conducted at MLW by the Finance Department exposed knowledge gaps in Microsoft Dynamics (Serenic) and Document processing for grants and procurement among MLW staff.

To bridge this knowledge gap, The Finance and Grants Department organised a Serenic refresher training on 28 June at National Bank Moneymen Training Centre. The training was graced by about 54 MLW staff from both operations and research.

“We have observed that not all staff read the policies that are within MLW, and this brings confusion. Some staff do not know the impact of certain activities on their project life cycle and finances. During the training, participants were privileged to hear from finance and supply chain departments who shared the processes and offered valuable advice,” said Grants Administrator Evelyn Solomon who was part of the training team.

Solomon added that the training will ensure that MLW achieves its goals in conducting excellent research by following all the finance, grants, and accounting procedures whilst maximising financial resources to maintain probity, integrity, and confidentiality in all financial matters.

MLW normally conducts the Serenic training for all new staff members during their induction meetings which are arranged by the Human Resources Department. However, MLW may conduct the training upon requests from staff and upon seeing the need to sharpen the skills of staff.

Translator and Transcriber Diana Mwaipaya noted the challenges she used to face when ordering items before the training.

“I could order an item but often ended up getting a different item because of a lack of familiarity with the Serenic process. This session has provided me insight into the necessary steps required to get quick and effective assistance when using Serenic,” Mwaipaya said.

MLW introduced Serenic in 2016, leaving the paper-based system of requesting and requisitioning for the digitised option.

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