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Science for All Crew dates Nyachirenda Secondary Secondary School in Nsanje

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Science for All Crew dates Nyachirenda Secondary Secondary School in Nsanje

On Friday 19 April 2023, Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Programme’s Science for All team visited Nyachirenda Secondary School in Nsanje district to screen Professor Kondwani Jambo’s career-trajectory film.

The film screening was meant to inspire and drive secondary school students’ interest towards science careers.

Before the film screening, MLW’s Science for All members had an audience with the newly established Science Club at Nyachirenda Secondary School.

The Science for All Coordinator Marah Chibwana said the event was wonderful with amazing students and an audience who were inquisitive about the science works and careers highlighted in Professor Kondwani Jambo’s documentary.

“Science for All was focusing on establishing clubs in Blantyre urban and rural, but we have a very passionate teacher here at Nyachirenda Secondary School, Mrs Chewaya, who established a science club and invited us to visit them. It has taken her passion for us to make this trip,” said Chibwana.

Deputy Headteacher at Nyachirenda Secondary School Monica Chewaya said, “Science for all is an important initiative and it will go a long way in motivating students towards careers which are key in identifying solutions for the problems that Malawi is facing.”

On the day, students were asked various question based on Professor Kondwani Jambo’s film and those with responded correctly were given prizes such as lamps, notebooks, stickers and comic books.
Currently, the Science for All initiative is focusing on expanding its reach to Blantyre rural and urban areas.

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