Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Programme

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Rodrick Sambakunsi

Rodrick Sambakunsi is a Public Engagement Manager for the NIHR Mucosal Pathogen Research Unit and Project Manager for the One-For-All project under the Viral Immunology group. He obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in Public Health from Shareworld Open University in 2016. Rodrick is an experienced Public Engagement Practitioner with over 15 years’ experience working with diverse audiences including students, community leaders, the general public, research participants, the media, Artists, health professionals and policy makers.

Rodrick has led the Science Communication and Public Engagement at the Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme (MLW) for a period of 4 years where he led in the development of a comprehensive Science Communication and Public Engagement strategy. While running MLW Science Communication and Public Engagement department, Rodrick led a team of diverse expertise in Media Engagement, Community Engagement, Communications and Monitoring & Evaluation, where he also developed and implemented innovative and effective Science Communication and Public Engagement initiatives.

Currently, Rodrick’s interests are in the development of innovative engagement resources that will be used to engage global South and North audiences on the herd immunity benefits of vaccines.